Friday, April 6, 2018

Cactus Project pt.2

As you know summertime is coming up! And I'm trying to get prepared so, I've created a little project that I think is EXTREMELY cute! If you don't know, I'm not able to keep plants alive for too long! So, I've found a solution for that and I'm in love with it! However, if you didn't see my post on Wednesday, you might've not seen the frame and stand I made for the cactus that I'm making today! So, if you have extra time go check out the post from Wednesday!

  • Materials Needed
    • Cardstock/ Scrapbook paper (I recommend you use a green color)
    • Liquid Glue
    • Puffballs (Recommended for decoration)
    • Cut-Out for the cactus (I'm currently working on how to upload an SVG. to my blog so, I can only upload the outline for it.)

  1. Cut-out the cactus. I had to cut-out the cactus twice because the paper I was using didn't have the design on both sides. So, when I did the cut-out for the second time, I mirrored the image.                                                                                                                                               
  1. After the cactus parts are all cut out, start gluing them together! I let the glue partially dry before I placed the pieces together so the pieces don't fall off of the other pieces. I also used a paperclip to hold up the cactus while the pieces dry.                                                                    

  2. Add the puffballs/ fuzzballs. Which I did the same as I normally do and I let the glue partially dry so the puffballs wouldn't fall and slide down.                                                                           
Last but not least, hang up in the frame and put the cactus in the stand (that I showed you how to make in the blog from Wednesday). I added a little decoration to the frame!                             
Overall, I think this project turned out to be extremely cute! Make sure you come back next week for a new post!

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