Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Clover Mini Iron Project (With Flip-Flops)

Hey guys! I know I said that I would post soon, and so here is a new post! I recently purchased the Clover Mini Iron and I've been wanting to do a project with it! This post will be a tutorial and a review. I did a tutorial similar this about a year ago (Click Here to View It). So, let's get started!

  1. Create your design and cut it out. Whenever you cut it out, make sure you image is mirrored or flipped.
  2. Next, I prepped my work space. I put cloths in the flip-flops to hold them up while ironing the design down. I placed my design down and placed parchment paper over-top of the design. 
  3. Finally, I began to iron the design on. I applied medium pressure while ironing. 
Here are my final results!

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Hey Guys!

Hey! Sorry about not posting for  AWHILE! If you don't know, I started going back to school in August. This year was tougher than I expected for school and I've had to put most of my effort in school and studying, I haven't had much time to work on posts because I have been loaded with school projects. If you didn't see, my last post was decorating rain boots I posted that on September 7,2018 and I highly recommend that you check it out because they turned out super amazing. I am happy to let you know that I will be posting soon! I've been working on a couple projects! This blog/website/whatever you call it will not just be for projects with a Cricut or die-cut machines! This will be used for many other projects! I am currently working on some projects with metal stamping! I hope you come back to see my next post. And I will be posting more over the summer (because I don't have school over the summer and I have nothing better to do in my life). So... yeah. I hope you check back in soon.